Installing DAWG


DAWG is not currently on your operating system. Please contact us with your operating system and we will see what we can do.

Downloading and installing DAWG should only take a few minutes. It is a fairly small file (compared to other DAWs) sitting around 50 MB.

Want to see all of our releases? Check out our releases page.


DAWG is still in development and very unstable. Have fun with it but don't expect to be able to do much at the moment 😊

Including Machine Learning Models

To utilize the vocal isolation and piano transcription models, the repository must first be cloned. Within DAWG, click the Settings icon and add the path to the cloned repository in the Models Path field.

The second step is to open a terminal in the cloned models repository and enter the following commands:

$ pipenv install
$ pipenv shell
$ which python

Copy the ouput path and paste it in the Python Path field. Finally, download the pre-trained models.


By default, the models scripts check the Desktop for the pre-trained models, placing them there will save you from manually changing any code.

That's it! You're ready to use DAWG.

System Requirements

DAWG is kinda lightweight (compared to other DAWs) and should run on most available hardware and platform versions. Since we are running Google Chrome under the hood, you can reference their system requirements page for accurate information. For the machine learning models, you will need Python.